Support Us
Change a Life Today!
Second Chance Center is a nonprofit organization providing free transformational services and support to the formerly incarcerated.
Successful reentry is a matter of community health and we appreciate your support in sustaining and creating programs that make a difference in the lives of our clients, their families, and our communities. Our sustained impact depends on your generosity and involvement through volunteering, donations, and partnerships.
Discover below how you can help pave the path for a better tomorrow.
Please contact Alicia for more information

Join the incredible group of supporters and partners that are helping SCC make a meaningful impact.
Our Community Partners
It Takes A Village
Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
The Empowerment Program
Chained Voices
We Don’t Waste
SMPS Family Fund
Unlocking Equity
Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Aurora Mental Health
Mental Health Center of Denver
Social Venture Partners
Our Supporters
Latino Coalition for Community Leadership
The Chinook Fund
Glennon Heights Mennonite Church
New Dawn Center for Spiritual Living
Buck Foundation
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
Colorado Health Foundation
Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church
First Unitarian Society of Denver
First Mennonite Church
Mennonite Central Committee Central States
First Plymouth Congregational Church
Anschutz Family Foundation
Anschutz Foundation
Shorter Community AME Church
Enterprise Foundation
Denver Foundation
The Schwartz Charitable Foundation
Colorado Department of Corrections
Denver African American Philanthropists
Lily Farm Fresh Foundation
Campbell Chapel AME Church
NowHere Fund
Woman's Foundation of Colorado
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
Department of Local Affairs - Colorado Division of Housing
Department of Labor and Employment
and a host of generous private contributors from the community
“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference”
- Kathy Calvin