December 16, 2020
Second Chance Center, Inc.
Second Chance Center, Inc., in Aurora, CO a national leader in re-entry programs expands its footprint in the Aurora community.
Second Chance Center, Inc., an Aurora, Colorado-based nonprofit that serves formerly incarcerated individuals, has purchased a larger facility at the location of 224 Potomac in Aurora, Colorado 80010.
The move comes during a surge in COVID-19 cases all over the country. The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary social distancing protocols proved that Second Chance Center’s current location at 9722 E 16th Ave. Aurora, CO 80010 was far too small.
Second Chance Center employs more than 27 staff members and serves roughly 50 clients daily who are in need of life-preserving resources after they exit the prison system. At the beginning of the winter in 2020, clients were waiting lined up at six-foot intervals around the block due to COVID-19 restrictions. This confirmed Second Chance Center’s urgent need to move quickly.
Fortunately, Hassan Latif, Executive Director of Second Chance Center, has just committed to the purchase of a new home for staff and clients located at 224 Potomac St. in Aurora, Colorado. The building is a 13,652 sq. ft, two-floor facility valued at $1.8M that will offer adequate space for clients to meet with care managers, obtain mental health services and substance use disorder services, group and individual counseling and mentoring, job and technical training, housing assistance, daily basic needs, and transportation resources. The facility also includes a fully equipped industrial kitchen and expansive dining and meeting areas.
More about Second Chance Center’s Mission:
People released from prison are vulnerable and traumatized by their experience; many have sustained serious, but undiagnosed brain injuries, and our client base has a high rate of mental illness and substance use disorders. At Second Chance Center, clients can take their first step toward healing and recovery in our welcoming, trauma-informed environment.
To learn more about Second Chance Center, visit our website at: https://www.scccolorado.org/ See more about the new and old properties below.
More about the new property:

Second Chance Center’s previous property:

For media inquiries, contact:
Regina Edmondson
Development Director
Second Chance Center